You wrote a book. Now what?

I vividly remember how overwhelming the publishing process can be, especially the self-publishing one. As soon as you’ve gotten a grasp on one thing, seven more pop up, and before long, you’re lost in a flood of information you have no idea how to navigate on your own. ISBNs? Newsletters? Copyright? Vanity Presses?

Never fear. I can help!

As a self-taught self-published author, I can promise you I’ve made all the mistakes so you don’t have to. Whether you need help navigating IngramSpark’s confusing dashboard to upload your paperback files, you’re a seasoned author in a bit of a rut and your books just aren’t selling, or you’re just starting out self-publishing and have no idea where to begin, I’d love to help you reach your goals.

I offer consultation services starting at $50/hour via Zoom. We’ll work out a plan of action custom-suited to your particular needs, and you’ll walk away with a list of resources to aid you long after our chat ends. And if I don’t think I’m able to help you, I’m more than happy to point you to someone who can!

Ready to get started?

Please fill out this questionnaire to submit your request. You will receive a response via email within 48 business hours.